El viernes, curiosamente, me embajoné un poco: me compré una cerveza, unas papitas y me fui a la playita a leer. No se me pasó :O
El sábnado hicimos fiestecita de despedida de Guasi.
El domingo BUCEÉ! (qué maravilla tan maravillosa... OM!) Y quedé fianlemtne con Mónica (de eslovakia :O!) y de sorpresa tb con Luca. Se quedaron a dormir :).
Hoy, a pesar de haberme duchado por la mañna, no he tenido un día nada espectacular. Tirada con el ordena, buscando posibilidades de futuro impoible. Ya sabéis.
Mirad lo que me encontré al abrir el correo:
Estimada/o Ek,
Nos ponemos en contacto contigo para informarte de que has sido preseleccionada/o para la oferta de prácticas con código ARGO/UK/3187. Los datos de la oferta son los siguientes:
- Nombre de la oferta: SRB project (ARGO/UK/3187)
- Lugar: Norwich (Reino Unido)
- Actividad de la empresa: Ciencias Biomédicas y de la Salud
- Incorporación aproximada (a ver con el gestor y el tutor una vez la beca otorgada): 15/06/2011
- Duración: 6 meses
- Horario semanal: 8 horas/día
- Descripción de la práctica: At IFR we are studying the role of gut bacteria in the health and disease of the GI tract in humans and animals. There is increasing evidence for the contribution of bacteria, which reside within the intestinal lumen to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disorders. However it is not clear which species within the gut microbiota are involved. Our recent studies have shown that the activity of Suphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) may be important. SRBs are a diverse group of bacteria that are present in the gut at levels as high as 1010/g gut content and are able to generate hydrogen sulphide (H2S) which contribute to inflammation/ulceration of gut epithelium. In this project we will study the ecology and metabolic activity of these bacteria.
- Programa detallado:
In this project we will test the hypothesis that SRB activity is influenced by the levels of sulphur released from bacterial degradation of sulphates and their interaction with other members of the gut microbiota. We will use animal models as well as the in vitro colon model with strains of desulphovibrios and lactate producing bacteria as well as mucin degrading bacteria that will be isolated in this project. - Tareas:
- 1. Isolation and characterization of mucin degrading bacteria from the human GI tract
- 2. Study of bacterial-bacterial interactions in vitro and in vivo
- 3. Effect of suphate release on the activity of SRBs
- 4. Effect of sulpur metabolism on production of H2S and other bacterial metabolites
- Remuneración beca ARGO GLOBAL
- Remuneración empresa: En especie ( Training Courses )
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